2018 Pierce Results System Research

September 17, 2018

Long-Term Cervical Curve Correction & Reduction in Dysautonomia

Research performed by Marie Hoying, DC and Carolina Bulla, DC was recently published in the 2018 Volume of Annals of Vertebral Subluxation. The case study took a deeper look at the Pierce Results System (PRS) and how it can aid with the long-term cervical correction and reduction in Dysautonomia. This research highlights the vital importance of having a normally structured spine and how an abnormally structured spine could detrimentally impact the nervous system.

You can find the published research, in full, here.

Employing the PRS to Create Long Lasting Results, Using X-Rays to Prove It

Not only do we, at Foundation Chiropractic, feel that it is important to get objective, measurable, provable results in the short term of care, but we want to make sure that those results are a lasting, more permanent solution and not just a temporary patch/Band-Aid to an underlying issue. There are very few chiropractors who take x-rays, let alone post x-rays after care has been received, but considering we are spine and nervous system experts, it is our duty to get an individuals spine to as close to normal as possible. The most reliable and accurate way to know that the job has been done, is by objectively measuring it with pre and post x-rays.

The Pierce Results System is one of a very few chiropractic systems, specifically focused on getting objective, measurable results with video-fluoroscopy, radiography and thermal imaging.

Seeing Through The Eyes of a Chiropractor to Identify Sources of Discomfort

Instinctively, if you have a pain in a certain region of your body, you go to that region to look for the cause of that pain. For example, if an individual has a pain in their knee, they’re going to think that there is something wrong with the knee, so they will likely see a knee specialist who will only look at the knee for the cause of that pain. However, as a chiropractor, we look at this very differently. We look to the entire body for the true causes of an issue vs. just looking at the site of where the pain is. We understand that if an individual’s hips are shifted out of alignment, it will affect the way that the femur (leg bone) goes into the knee, which can ultimately cause a pain in the knee.

Using Our Comprehensive Understanding of the Body to Pinpoint Pain Points

Many aches and pains can come from a site other than where the actual pain is. The individual in this research paper originally came in with low back pain. By doing a very comprehensive, detailed exam, I found that the lower back pain was actually stemming from the neck. And once I corrected the structural dysfunction in the neck, the lower back pain resolved. This is why it is extremely important for us to look to the entire body and how it is functioning as a whole vs. strictly looking at the site of pain, because you may never fully resolve that issue. 

What’s Next: Using Similar Cases to Reinforce Our Findings

We would like to get more long-term case corrections, like this, published. A case series would be great. Until there are more cases like this published, the validity and reliability of a single study is very low. More cases published would help us get a better understanding on the frequency of how often an individual would need to be seen in order to maintain these long term results. With only having one case right now, that is very hard to measure.

For more information regarding this specific research, the Pierce Results System or how Foundation Chiropractic can help mitigate your discomfort, contact us today!
